
Over the past few years, we have seen Political Correctness and Woke-ism creep into our lives.

The scribes of higher virtue have tried to shut down the celebration of Christmas for fear of offending someone. They have taken it out of schools, and I often have people say to me, “Happy Holidays”. I doubt that I have ever heard anything so profoundly preposterous.

There are many religions and many notable special times, celebrations, holidays and feasts. Christmas is just one of many. Check this list:


Diwali, Dussehra, Ganesha Chaturthi, Holi, Krishna Janmashtami, Maha Shivratri, Navratri


Chanukah, Erev Pesach, Erev Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, Rosh Hashanah, Passover, Purim, Simchat Torah, Shemini Atzeret, Shavuot, Sukkot, Tisha B’Av, Tu B’Shevat, Yom Hashoah, Yom Kippur


Al-Hijra, Eid ul-Adha, Eid ul-Fitr, Mawlid an-Nabi, Ramadan.


Advent, All Saints’ Day or All Hallows’ Day, All Soul’s Day, Ash Wednesday, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Fast, Epiphany, Easter/Pascha (Orthodox), Easter, (Including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday), Las Posadas, Palm Sunday, Shrove Tuesday, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


Bodhi Day, Magha Puja, New Year’s Day, Wesak or Buddha Day

You can learn greater detail here.

Perhaps we can be open to honouring all Special days, Holidays and Feasts. Fear and control do not add to the quality of anyone’s life. Of course, we do not wish to have a whole lot of things interfering with productivity at work, but a willingness to acknowledge special days, across the board, creates inclusion, acceptance and promotes learning and intelligence.

Preventing Mental Health Episodes

And Creating a Thriving, Well, Workforce.

Trauma is a terrible thing. It can cause death or ruin a life. It comes in many forms, physical, mental, and emotional.

So, as I write this article, I do not wish to discount the impact of trauma. When someone experiences a traumatic event, they do need support and effective therapy to help them return to their normal life.

It is incredible to see the difference in people. Continue..

The McKinsey Health Institute Report

This is a fascinating article on Healthy aging and what it really means for the future.

A few years ago I did a couple of National Tours around Australia and New Zealand for BnD Doors. We were educating their workforce on the broader aspects of health and around personal responsibility for health.

BnD are a great company. The genuine level of care for their people is palpable and they were concerned that encouraging people to retire might not be good for the people, or the business so they wanted to explore different ideas. Realizing that if people are healthier and happier, they could work for longer if they wanted to. This took away the unspoken pressure of age, social norms, and old beliefs.

Australia is in trouble, and we must move. WE are still in the viewpoint that ill health is something that “happens to you”, not something you create. Hence, people do not seek to be healthy, then when they do get sick, they cost the healthcare system huge amounts of money. The future tax burden on our children will be extraordinary.

None of our Governments, State or Federal, that I know of, even have a Wellness Policy.

You can read the full report here.

The Global Wellness Summit – Master Classes

There was so much incredibly useful content shared at The Global wellness Summit. I will seek to share some of it here over the coming editions.

However, I am also considering holding a full day Masterclass in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth to showcase all the information and to share resources. Out of this we will also create Professional support Groups with whom you can share ideas and explore possibilities.

If the Masterclasses are of interest to you and/or your colleagues, please register your interest at the following link.

Global Wellness Summit update Masterclass Registration of Interest.

Workplace Wellbeing Posters

Don’t forget your Poster series. This is a perfect, low-cost Wellness Program for your workplace.

1. The Power of Care

2. An Interactive Guide to Building Immunity

Education in work workplace is key. The posters can deliver the education in the background as you work on other things. And don’t forget, the Posters give you valuable content for Toolboxes and as openers for meetings.

To learn more, or order posters, click here.

A Simple, Helpful Tip

Toenail Fungus can be an awful embarrassment for people and can lead you significant problems with the feet. There is a simple way to repair it.

Get a tub big enough, with a lid, and pour in 3 or 4 litres of white vinegar. Each night, perhaps whilst watching TV, sock the feet in the vinegar for about 20 to 30 minutes.

The nails will be soft when you take them out so trim the nail the best you can every few days, without cutting too far and hurting yourself. After a few weeks, the fungus should have perished, and the nails should grow back normally. It is good then, whilst the nails are growing, to soak the feet in the vinegar a couple of times a week.

The reason for the lidded container is that you can then leave it near where you sit so that you do not forget to complete the treatment each night.

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