Tag Archives: wishvip

Newsletter – April 15th, 2024. “Choice Points – Responding versus Reacting”

Life has many perspectives. Situations also carry many perspectives. Every event, circumstance, situation, or person can be viewed in multiple ways. I fear that the emergence of DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) has brought workplaces to a point where there seems to be an urge to sanitize everything so that none of those perspectives can […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 23

Introduction: A time for contemplation is always special. Perhaps in our lives, we do not take time enough for contemplation as the quieter moments seem to be filled with rapid thoughts of worry, doubt, regrets, and irritation. But taking quiet moments like the Dawn Service, or going for a walk in nature, can give us […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 22

 Introduction: A time for contemplation is always special. Perhaps, in our lives, we do not take time enough for contemplation as the quieter moments seem to be filled with rapid thoughts of worry, doubt, regrets, and irritation. But taking quiet moments like the Dawn Service, or going for a walk in nature, can give us […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 21

 Introduction: Wellbeing in the workplace is climbing closer to the top of the business agenda. Government regulations coupled with the risk of high compensation claims are bringing Wellbeing directly under the noses of the C-suite. In her regular bulletin, Katrina Walton from Wellness Designs in Brisbane wrote today: Now more than ever, employee wellbeing is […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 20

Introduction: Epigenetics is an incredible science, and perhaps the most exciting of all the human sciences over the past 20 years. For years, we have been told that so many diseases are genetic. Angelina Jolie famously endured a double mastectomy for fear of getting breast cancer because she carried the “brca” gene. She never had […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 18

 Introduction: Financial Wellness is often overlooked. I am not sure why. Whenever I deliver a seminar that may relate to stress in some way, I ask the question: “Who here is highly skilled in worry?” Everyone has a bit of a laugh as most of them raise their hands. When I ask what they worry […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 17

Introduction: A quick update on the learning and podcasting. It has been incredible. I have been tuning in a lot to Jordan Peterson. I admire his intellect and his command of the English language. But even more so, some of his guests are brilliant. I’ve been taking a deep interest in Narcissism and am beginning […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 16

Introduction: This year I am turning off the radio. I’ve decided it is time to ramp up my education. So, I am reading more and I am replacing my daily radio habit with podcasts. Cultivating Healthy and Vibrant Workplaces by Lisa Kelly I have known Lisa Kelly for about 10 years. She and her company […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 15

Introduction: In this bulletin I want to put some attention on current times and current issues. I hope you find this helpful. Self-Fidelity and Workplace Thriving Cassandra Goodman is doing some great work. She wrote a book last year titled “Self-Fidelity” and it covers the topic of learning to be yourself and to live life […]

WISH VIP Fortnightly Bulletin – Edition 14

Introduction: This fortnight’s bulletin will be brief. You have a lot to do as you prepare for the closing of the year and your holidays with family and friends. My Reflections on 2022 I was in Hobart late last week to deliver a 4 Hour Workshop on Fatigue to a large group of CSIRO Scientists […]