
This fortnight’s bulletin will be brief. You have a lot to do as you prepare for the closing of the year and your holidays with family and friends.

My Reflections on 2022

I was in Hobart late last week to deliver a 4 Hour Workshop on Fatigue to a large group of CSIRO Scientists who spend a lot of time working on exploration vessels on the Southern Ocean. It was a brilliant event.

On Friday morning I went for a long run around the shores of the Derwent in Hobart. It is one of the wonderful aspects of traveling for work in that I get to run in so many different and stunning locations. So, this was a 12km effort and I had time to contemplate the year.

What were the most significant lessons of 2022 and I kept drifting back to a single event, the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

On the morning she passed, I got up after listening to the 4am news and sat quietly over a morning coffee contemplating the significance of her death and her life.

I pulled on my runners and headed out in the dark and noticed a strange feeling. I couldn’t put my finger on it for a long time, but I eventually realised I was feeling a deeply subtle sense of a loss of stability. Where was that feeling coming from.

As I felt into it more, I discovered that it was the fact that She was no longer there. The iconic figurehead of our entire system of government was gone. I felt the power of her presence and now her absence.

Her leadership, driven by her profound and unyielding dedication to service, was as rare as it was enduring. Perhaps we will never see another leader like her in our lifetime.

You may enjoy re-reading my Bulletin Number 9 where I discuss her life and her leadership.

My question for you, as you prepare for 2023 is this. “Are you leading by dedicating yourself to serving your people, or are you leading by managing and controlling? It is your right to choose, but I get a strong sense that the more “in service” you are, the more trust you will build and the more your people will return service.

A Reminder – The Global Wellness Summit – Master Classes

There was so much incredibly useful content shared at The Global wellness Summit. I will seek to share some of it here over the coming editions.

However, I am also considering holding a full day Masterclass in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth to showcase all the information and to share resources. Out of this we will also create Professional support Groups with whom you can share ideas and explore possibilities.

If the Masterclasses are of interest to you and/or your colleagues, please register your interest at the following link.

Global Wellness Summit update Masterclass Registration of Interest.

Merry Christmas to you and Your Family

From me and from my three best mates, my son Cheyne, and his lads Jack (23 months) and Rupert (5 months), who came into the world 2 months early and has done a mighty job getting into the game of his life.


Workplace Wellbeing Posters

Don’t forget your Poster series. This is a perfect, low-cost Wellness Program for your workplace.

1. The Power of Care

2. An Interactive Guide to Building Immunity

Education in work workplace is key. The posters can deliver the education in the background as you work on other things. And don’t forget, the Posters give you valuable content for Toolboxes and as openers for meetings.

To learn more, or order posters, click here.

A Simple, Helpful Tip

Enjoy your feasting over the holidays. To help you through, there are two things you can do.

  1. Get out for a long walk each morning, especially the days you are going to be eating a lot.
  2. Keep yourself very well hydrated so that when you are drinking alcohol, you are not using your drink to quench thirst.

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