As you are aware, the world has undergone a mass vaccination program in an attempt to shield humanity against the dangers of the novel corona virus, Covid-19.
There is ongoing, raging debate about the efficacy of the vaccines. Depending on who you listen to, you will hear compelling arguments to support the case the speaker presents.
We know that the vaccines were never designed to prevent transmission, which brings into question the reason for Mandates and the reason for locking people out of visiting loved ones, particularly in aged care homes.
It has also become clear that the vaccines do not stop a person contracting Covid-19. The main argument is that vaccination reduced the risk of severe infection and hospitalization.
The aim of Governments, from the outset, was to reduce the load on Health Care Systems, including hospitals. This may well have happened. I have been trying to get clarity around it but find it challenging to get access to reliable data.
And then of course there is the case of vaccine injuries. This is an area I am most interested in, particularly in relation to workplaces. I have learned a lot. Why do some people get injured and not others? Why is it that physically fit people seem to be more at risk. I got some incredible answers recently and it is amazing how it circles back to safety.
A couple of my friends have received severe vaccine injuries, one of them a decorated, 300 game AFL Player who, not three months before, had a full periodical check up and was told by his Cariologist he had one of the healthiest hearts he had ever seen.
But I don’t jump on the bandwagon and start asserting the vaccines are bad or evil or dangerous. I get interested in why some people get injured and others do not. And here is what I learned.
The vaccines are meant to be injected into the muscle and are not supposed to get into the blood stream. The body is meant to pick up on the presence of the vaccine in the tissue and through the lymph system as it is drained, and the immune system goes to work.
If the vaccine gets into the blood stream, it quickly spreads across the body and lands on unprepared cells. When this happens in organs, cells can be killed or damaged. Organs like the liver absorb this well because they regenerate quickly. But heart tissue does not regenerate, it scars when damaged.
When the vaccine hits the cells of the heart, and enters the cells, the cell then produces the spike protein and exports it to the surface of the cell. Now you have a body cell that is displaying this spike protein on its surface. The body’s immune system then sees a cell that is displaying its own proteins and foreign proteins and the only conclusion the immune system can make is that that this is a virally infected cell. So, the immune system destroys that cell.
If multiple cardiac cells are exposed to the vaccine and they are all eventually attacked by the immune system, the response will be inflammation. This is commonly called Myocarditis. As you may have heard, Myocarditis has become a common injury from the mRNA vaccines.
So, I asked myself why some people end up with myocarditis and others don’t and I found an answer. It is the most rational answer I have heard but may not be the only answer.
When you receive any “intramuscular” injection, and injection that is not designed for the blood stream, the professional giving the vaccine must first push the needle in, draw back a little to see of there it blood, which is an indicator that a blood vessel has been hit, and if no blood, proceed with the injection.
If blood is drawn, the injector must push the needle in a little further, check again, and if all clear, complete the injection. This is basic procedure when giving injections.
It seems however, in the mass vaccination process, this protocol may not have been followed in many cases, leading to the vaccines getting into the blood stream and causing injury.
I share this with you because I know some people have absolute faith in the vaccination process and are not keen to hear that there have been problems. So, when someone presents as having a vaccine injury, they are not a conspiracy theorist or a member of the tinfoil hat brigade. They may well be dealing with something very real and serious.
It is also important to note that if a person has suffered severe myocarditis from the vaccine, they may never fully recover.
This is a sober reminder about the importance of following accepted protocols.
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