Why would you use my Services?
If you represent an organisation that really cares about its people, that wants to see its people achieve their best in life and above all, wishes safety, happiness and success for all of the people who serve the organisation, then of course you would use my services. Great employers care for their people and I am guessing you would not be reading this document if you were either not a great employer or did not have your sights set on being a great employer.
Who Am I?
I am a Queenslander who lives in Victoria. Born on a Cattle Station out near Roma, we moved around a bit first to a dairy farm, a country pub and finally, at the age of 10, we left the bush and my Dad took over a pub in the heart of Collingwood. I suppose after that change, nothing really shocks me, so I am a pretty relaxed customer. As a kid, I loved Football and Cricket and loved being fit. I had a crack at every sport. Underneath all of that was a deep sense of wonder. My religious education didn’t give me the answers so I developed a ‘yearning for learning’; to find out; to know. Whether it was the pub upbringing, or something in my genes, I developed a capacity to use words to help others to understand. With a passion for story-telling and a deep desire to explore, I went down many roads. Since completing my Phys. Ed. degree in 1981, I have served 7 AFL teams as either a conditioning coach and/or nutritionist, partially completed a Masters, I’ve written books, e-books, 100’s of articles, lectured in Universities, studied with people who live on the edge of discovery and have presented over 3500 seminars in workplaces across Australia and across the World. Until the end of 2016, I served on the RMIT School of Health Sciences Program Advisory Committee. I have been married twice, have a wonderful son and two incredible step daughters, and 6 grandkids. These days I am enjoying a single life in which I can focus on my work and my efforts to improve the world in whatever way I can.
#wellbeingthoughtleader #wellnessthoughtleader
What do I deliver?
I deliver powerful seminars and workshops that inspire, educate and empower your people to take 100% responsibility for their own lives, their energy and fatigue levels, their success, their health and their happiness. Nobody else in the world can make me or you happy. We have to do that for ourselves. The trick lies in knowing how. My programs are designed to wake up that realisation within people across all walks of life. It doesn’t matter if it is your CEO or the person who cleans your rest rooms, everyone can be alert, energetic, and healthy. And, they can be happy, have the right to be happy and just need to know how, and feel inspired to take the steps.
How do I do that?
I deliver a range of Powerful Seminars and Workshops backed up by substantial post session e-books and a fortnightly newsletters, “Fatigue Fortnightly”, my bi-monthly publication, “Living Wise”, and the monthly “Awakening Minds”, all designed to continually educate, inspire and empower individuals to stay on their path.
Seminar and Workshop Topics Include:
Fatigue Prevention ♦ Life Balance ♦ Stress Mastery ♦ Creating Exceptional Health ♦ Men’s Health ♦ Women’s Health ♦ Mind Body Health ♦ High Performance Mind ♦ Employee Engagement ♦ Conscious Leadership ♦ Super Culture ♦ Nutrition for Life ♦ Fitness
What’s the Next Step?
Contact me and so that we can discuss your needs. Click Here.