Poor Guardianship Risks Lives and Costs Money
A Lack of Care and Guardianship leads to:
- Mistakes being justified and explained away.
- Poor awareness of what is going on.
- Bullying and Emotional Abuse.
- “It’s not my job” attitudes.
- Decisions based on Self Preservation.
- A Blame Culture which encourages dishonesty.
- Abuse of guidelines simply because someone disagrees with them.
- Accidents, equipment breakage, waste, and re-work.

“People lacking Care and Guardianship don’t have yours or anyone else’s back.”
“The Care Based Workplace Cultures” Seminar lays the Foundations for a new Culture. It:
- Brings Care and Guardianship into the Spotlight and gives a clear understanding of what care is and what it means to care.
- Gives live examples of the consequences of both care and a lack of care.
- Looks at the relationship between care and notions of “deservability”.
- Explores the natural motivating forces for guardianship and what gets in the way.
- Builds new pathways to learning to practice greater care and to being genuinely more caring.
- Creates an attitude of leadership!

“If you stop for a moment and analyse any tragic situation, whether it be an accident or something inflicted by another person, immediately before hand there will have been a moment where someone had the opportunity to take corrective action but chose not to.”
Create a new Culture where Your People Care and assume Guardianship
over their Workplace, each other and their Community.
“The Guardianship Project” Program
Introduction to the Seminar:
Modern Living in a vibrant economy brings Wealth and Opportunity. It also brings entitlement, indulgence,and selfishness. The very things that often create success, like selflessness, teamwork,and fear of failure, seem to disappear as this wealth leads to comfort seeking, egocentric behaviour,and“me” attitudes.
We learn from History that we do not really learn much from history. This is a repeated pattern throughout the history of humanity. Recent DNA testing on ancient human remains reveals that modern, lifestyle diseases like Cancer and Heart Disease, were prominent during the height of the prosperity of the Egyptian Empire.
The Aim of the Seminar:
To educate participants about what guardianship is, and how to become genuinely more caring. It takes away the stereotypes and looks at what is real. It brings the humanity back into day-to-day living, relationships, communication, and the functioning of a collective unit of people. It reveals the true nature of leadership.
Seminar Description:
The Seminar starts out exploring what things leave a person feeling good about themselves, and the things that lead to self-degrading attitudes, anxiety, and mental ill health. It explores the role of care and addresses real-life situations where care was dropped and the eventual outcome. It then looks at how situations were changed when care was taken. It also looks at how guardianship leads to greater care and potentially extraordinary outcomes.
The Seminar then explores the motivational factors behind Guardianship. What leads to great care, to a caring attitude? What reduces care and takes it away.Participants are given time to share and explore their own stories.
This program is a Journey into Guardianship. It looks at the motivating forces for care and what is required to tap into those sources and bring them to life. We look at real life events where care was missed and harsh outcomes that followed. We also look at events that turned out well because someone cared.
The program provides a graduated set of steps to developing one’s ability to care, to show up in the world and put self-interest aside to create a better life for all.
Who is Using Our Care Culture Training?
- Ventia
- Lend Lease
- John Beever Aust
- Acciona
- Fulton Hogan
- Mirvac
Post Seminar Resources
Following the presentation, employees receive a comprehensive email containing extensive helpful resources.
Workplace Seminars, Webinars, Resources & Workshops
- Fatigue Prevention
- Resilience
- Mental Health
- Stress Prevention
- Culture Change
- General Wellbeing
- The Care Culture
- High Performance
- Teams and Leaders
The Exciting Wide Awake App

A powerful Education Program in the Palm of Your Hand. It contains powerful modules, comprising a variety of audio programs and easy-to-read articles,taking your employees on a journey to effective fatigue prevention and personal wellbeing.
At the end of each module there is a quiz. Wrong answers see the employee directed back to the content the question came from. Monthly collective progress reports are emailed to your nominated Safety Rep.
ACN: 162 642 097
- Single 2 Hour Seminar: $3,300:00 plus GST
- Half Day – Up t 2 Seminars: $4,200:00 plus GST
- Full Day – Up to 3 Seminars: $5,400:00 plus GST
Multiple Seminar packages also available. Client is responsible for funding all travel and accommodation.
*Please call for prices for Virtual Events.
Call John Toomey:
+61 (0)415 844 919

John Toomey
Global Chair
Global Wellness Institute
Wellness at Work Initiative
Writer for Chopra Global
and Thrive Global
About John Toomey
John Toomey is one of Australia’s leading Health Educators. Holding a Degree in Physical Education, John has worked in many diverse are as involving Health, Fitness and Sport. Since 1982, he’s served in High Performance roles at seven AFL Clubs. He has also worked with a variety of other Professional Sports Clubs in Leadership and Culture Development.
He has been working in and leading the way in the Health Education sector since 1980 and completed over 20,000 hours study in this field.
As a professional speaker and trainer,he has presented over 3000 seminars in the corporate arena in Australia,NZ, the US and South East Asia. He has published over 500 articles,including publications like Wellbeing Magazine, The Melbourne Age, The Melbourne Herald Sun,The Huffington Post, Thrive Global and Chopra Global.
John is an in-demand expert commentator in Australian radio.
From an Academic standpoint, John has lectured in Physical Education at Victoria University and taught Wellness in Monash University’s school of medicine. From 2012-17, he served as a member of the Course Advisory Board at RMIT’s School of Health Sciences.
In 2013, he was asked to address a fatigue and culture problem for a QLD Blast & Drill company. Researching official guidelines on Fatigue on prominent industry,regulatory and safety sites, he was stunned by what wasn’t being said.
Taking his wealth of knowledge from years of conditioning athletes and in the corporate arena, he created his now World Renowned Fatigue Prevention Program.