Fatigue Prevention

Reduce Risk – Increase Productivity

Workplace Fatigue Costs Lives and it Costs Money

Fatigued Workers:

  • Are less able to concentrate on tasks
  • Have a reduced capacity to make decisions
  • Make more mistakes
  • Struggle to feel motivated
  • Are more likely to use dangerous stimulant drugs
  • Are more likely to be involved in or create conflict
  • Are more likely to miss shifts and take “sickies”
  • Have a higher likelihood of traffic accidents when driving, especially post shift
  • Need greater supervision and direction

“Fatigued Workers are a Danger to Your Business.”

“Fatigued Workers are a Danger to Your Business.”

To Prevent Fatigue, you will need this Program. It:

  • Fully Engages your Workforce
  • Educates your people about the many causes of Fatigue, and how and why those things cause fatigue
  • Gives simple and clear tips as to what can be done to prevent those causes
  • Inspires a willingness to create change
  • Shifts attitudes and changes behavior
  • Gives first steps that produce palpable results,which leads to the motivation to take more steps
  • Creates measures that allow workers to hold each other accountable in a way that is not confronting
  • Creates a new, exciting,and ongoing culture of self-care and care for team-mates.

A single can of soft drink, might quench thirst,but can create catastrophic fatigue symptoms within an hour?

The Fatigue Prevention Program

Introduction to the Seminar:

What causes daytime or wake time fatigue? Is it poor sleep? Perhaps it is, but how does one explain incessant yawning, drowsiness and lethargy during a day following an 8 or 9 hour sleep?

Fatigue is a multi-faceted challenge and requires understanding and knowledge to ensure that it can be kept at bay, or even eliminated.

Energy drinks and stimulants are not a good answer. Over time, these may well have a negative impact on the health of the body, leading to additional problems, and possibly more fatigue. Energy drinks and other stimulants, in a hot climate can increase the risks of heatstroke, workplace accidents and death.

The Aim of the Seminar:

To educate, inspire and empower your people to gain mastery over fatigue to reduce risk, workplace presenteeism and absenteeism, and to improve productivity, enthusiasm, culture and enjoyment of life. I want your employees go home at the end of the day, and when they do go home, have energy to engage their families and play with their kids.

Seminar Description:

The Seminar starts out with a look at human physiology and the importance of fully oxygenated blood flowing to the brain at optimum rate and volume. When oxygen delivery to the brain is compromised, fatigue quickly sets in. The program then addresses a variety of factors that compromise oxygen saturation in the blood, and blood volume, two factors that commonly cause fatigue.

There are many common factors that can compromise oxygen delivery to the brain. Most people battle through their effects daily, then blame workload, not enough sleep or stress for their fatigue. The seminar also addresses mental fatigue, a common problem that is not well understood, yet easily overcome.

Sleep is also addressed. Some people need 4 hours per night. Some need 9 hours.And some spend 9 hours in bed and sleep for less than 4. Many things can compromise sleep quality. Did you know that Snoring and Sleep Apnoea can both be rectified within 2 to 3 weeks?

This is a powerful and life changing seminar providing strategies that can be used daily to improve life.


Who is Using Our Fatigue Prevention Training?

  • Fulton Hogan
  • John Holland
  • Acciona
  • CPB
  • LDE
  • Wesfarmers
  • Virgin Aust
  • QBE
  • Hunter Water
  • Lend Lease
  • Thiess, Balfour,Beatty
  • Metro Trains
  • Sydney Trains
  • Mirvac
  • Vic Roads
  • Metricon
  • Wyndham Council
  • Parsons Brinkerhoff
  • Indigenous LC

Workplace Seminars, Webinars, Resources & Workshops

  • Fatigue Prevention
  • Resilience
  • Mental Health
  • Stress Prevention
  • Culture Change
  • General Wellbeing
  • The Care Culture
  • High Performance
  • Teams and Leaders

The Exciting Wide Awake App

A powerful Education Program in the Palm of Your Hand. It contains powerful modules, comprising a variety of audio programs and easy-to-read articles,taking your employees on a journey to effective fatigue prevention and personal wellbeing.

At the end of each module there is a quiz. Wrong answers see the employee directed back to the content the question came from. Monthly collective progress reports are emailed to your nominated Safety Rep.

ACN: 162 642 097

Post Seminar Resources

Following the presentation, employees receive a comprehensive email containing extensive helpful resources.


  • Single 2 Hour Seminar: $2,900:00 plus GST
  • Half Day – Up t 2 Seminars: $3,800:00 plus GST
  • Full Day – Up to 3 Seminars: $4,500:00 plus GST

Multiple Seminar packages also available. Client is responsible for funding all travel and accommodation.

*Please call for prices for Virtual Events.

John Toomey

Global Chair

Global Wellness Institute
Wellness at Work Initiative
Writer for Chopra Global
and Thrive Global

About John Toomey

John Toomey is one of Australia’s leading Health Educators. Holding a Degree in Physical Education, John has worked in many diverse are as involving Health, Fitness and Sport. Since 1982, he’s served in High Performance roles at seven AFL Clubs. He has also worked with a variety of other Professional Sports Clubs in Leadership and Culture Development.

He has been working in and leading the way in the Health Education sector since 1980 and completed over 20,000 hours study in this field.

As a professional speaker and trainer, he has presented over 3000 seminars in the corporate arena in Australia, NZ, the US and South East Asia. He has published over 500 articles, including publications like Wellbeing Magazine, The Melbourne Age, The Melbourne Herald Sun, The Huffington Post, Thrive Global and Chopra Global.

John is an in-demand expert commentator in Australian radio.

From an Academic standpoint, John has lectured in Physical Education at Victoria University and taught Wellness in Monash University’s school of medicine. From 2012-17, he served as a member of the Course Advisory Board at RMIT’s School of Health Sciences.

In 2013, he was asked to address a fatigue and culture problem for a QLD Blast & Drill company. Researching official guidelines on Fatigue on prominent industry, regulatory and safety sites, he was stunned by what wasn’t being said.

Taking his wealth of knowledge from years of conditioning athletes and in the corporate arena, he created his now World Renowned Fatigue Prevention Program.