Team Members Who Struggle to Find Balance...
- Tend to be more stressed and reactive.
- Are more likely to need to take leave.
- Find it hard to keep their attention on what they need to be doing.
- Are easily distracted.
- Often complain of aches and pains.
- Will experience lower job satisfaction.
- Are more likely to experience unrest at home.

Would you rather be fighting fires or planting forests?
How do things get so out of balance?
- Many people have unrealistic goals, often driven by the expectations of others.
- Often people confuse success with the amount of money they have.
- We often get locked in competition with others without really evaluating our own intentions.
- Often, we get lost in our minds and forget what lies in our hearts.
- Many people think they know what the expectations of other are, without actually asking and finding out.
- We often forget that before we can receive, we must give more from a place of generosity and goodwill.
- We often get lost in the ideal impressions of life painted by advertisers,television shows, movies, social media and glossy magazines.
“In life, there’s things that are important and things that feel urgent. Most of our attention is drawn to the urgent. Lives falter when the important things become urgent. The only protection we will ever have against such a personal disaster is an ongoing expansion of our awareness. The irony is that most people rarely put time into expanding their awareness because it does not feel urgent to do so.”
Expected Outcomes
Participants can expect to achieve the following outcomes:
- Reduced stress levels.
- Greater Self Control
- Better Decision Making
- Stronger sense of purpose
- Greater capacity to enjoy life
- A Clearer path to a desirable future
- Stronger sense of personal power
- More grounded and less ego
- A stronger sense of service
- Greater capacity to cooperate
The Balancing Act Program
Introduction to the Seminar:
Who is responsible for my life? Me! That is Simple! But am I taking responsibility for my life? The question creates explanations and reasons.
A successful and balanced life is one that is deliberately operated by the individual. Many spend their lives reacting to circumstances, people and events and constantly feel like they are being swept along. Many feel that their life is hard. Others appear to cruise along.
Taking the step up and assuming ownership of one’s life is the first vital step toward gaining balance. From this place, the individual has the opportunity to create a life that works for them.
The Aim of the Seminar:
To teach participants the nature of the journey of life, to understand challenges and to look at how they react to obstacles life appears to ‘throw’ at them. The seminar also seeks to help participants understand the things that take away their ability to make deliberate decisions and stay in control.
Through the program, the participants will get to explore new perspectives that broaden their thinking and their appreciation of their life. They will learn new skills that will enable them to develop the ability to become more contemplative and more present, to be able to evaluate their life progress in alignment with their more important goals.
Seminar Description:
The explores a comparison between modern life and past eras where the focus of attention has shifted from survival to comfort.
It explores how an obsession for accumulating and casing happiness has created never-before-seen stress and anxiety problems.
The program provides strategies for getting life back on track and balanced.
Who Has Used our Balancing Act Training?
- ANZ Bank
- Telstra
- Stonnington Council
- Brambles
- Drake
- Vic Roads
- Ruralco
- Metricon
- Manningham Council
- Darebin Council
- Exxon Mobil
- Salmat
- Australian Unity
- Belgravia Leisure
- Wyndham Council
- Parsons Brinkerhoff
- Daimler Benz
- Indigenous LC
Workplace Seminars, Webinars, Resources & Workshops
- Fatigue Prevention
- Resilience
- Mental Health
- Stress Prevention
- Culture Change
- General Wellbeing
- The Care Culture
- High Performance
- Teams and Leaders
The Exciting Wide Awake App

A powerful Education Program in the Palm of Your Hand. It contains powerful modules, comprising a variety of audio programs and easy-to-read articles,taking your employees on a journey to effective fatigue prevention and personal wellbeing.
At the end of each module there is a quiz. Wrong answers see the employee directed back to the content the question came from. Monthly collective progress reports are emailed to your nominated Safety Rep.
ACN: 162 642 097
Post Seminar Resources
Following the presentation, employees receive a comprehensive email containing extensive helpful resources.
- Single 2 Hour Seminar: $3,300:00 plus GST
- Half Day – Up t 2 Seminars: $4,200:00 plus GST
- Full Day – Up to 3 Seminars: $5,400:00 plus GST
Multiple Seminar packages also available. Client is responsible for funding all travel and accommodation.
*Please call for prices for Virtual Events.
Call John Toomey:
+61 (0)415 844 919
“Improve the Culture and Productivity of your Workplace by giving your people the skills required to balance the competing demands in their lives.”

John Toomey
Global Chair
Global Wellness Institute
Wellness at Work Initiative
Writer for Chopra Global
and Thrive Global
About John Toomey
John Toomey is one of Australia’s leading Health Educators. Holding a Degree in Physical Education, John has worked in many diverse are as involving Health, Fitness and Sport. Since 1982, he’s served in High Performance roles at seven AFL Clubs. He has also worked with a variety of other Professional Sports Clubs in Leadership and Culture Development.
He has been working in and leading the way in the Health Education sector since 1980 and completed over 20,000 hours study in this field.
As a professional speaker and trainer,he has presented over 3000 seminars in the corporate arena in Australia,NZ, the US and South East Asia. He has published over 500 articles,including publications like Wellbeing Magazine, The Melbourne Age, The Melbourne Herald Sun,The Huffington Post, Thrive Global and Chopra Global.
John is an in-demand expert commentator in Australian radio.
From an Academic standpoint, John has lectured in Physical Education at Victoria University and taught Wellness in Monash University’s school of medicine. From 2012-17, he served as a member of the Course Advisory Board at RMIT’s School of Health Sciences.
In 2013, he was asked to address a fatigue and culture problem for a QLD Blast & Drill company. Researching official guidelines on Fatigue on prominent industry,regulatory and safety sites, he was stunned by what wasn’t being said.
Taking his wealth of knowledge from years of conditioning athletes and in the corporate arena, he created his now World Renowned Fatigue Prevention Program.