Optimise Your Immunity

The Omicron and Other Variants are on the March

Support Your People to Build a Robust and Thriving Immune System for Optimal Protection

The Gate is Open, and the Horse has Bolted?

It seems the Governments have decided that this variant is less virulent than previous strains and it is now safer to allow the virus to spread, to perhaps create herd immunity. If herd immunity arrives, it brings into question the necessity for further vaccine boosters. From the change in information coming from the media, it seems personal responsibility for one’s own immunity is now seen to be important.

“Your workforce cannot arm their immune system against viral infection if they have no clue what it is or how works.”

Lack of Knowledge Creates Fear and Uncertainty:

  • Why was personal immunity never discussed by our “Health” leaders in 2020?
  • Evidence from across the globe clearly states the role poor health played in severe infections and death rates.
  • People living in wealthy Western Societies tend to have poor immunity, resulting from a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, obesity, and high cortisol levels.
  • Too many people believe the answer to a health concern lies in a pill.
  • Most people are not able to define what their immune system is.
  • Most have no idea how their immune system works or how it responds to a virus.

Well Designed Immunity and Wellbeing Education will:

  • Give your people understanding and confidence.
  • Create a new excitement among your teams.
  • Help people to be less fearful.
  • Help your people to help their families.
  • Significantly reduce risk of sickness if infection occurs.
  • Improve other areas of personal health and wellbeing.
  • Give your people more power and autonomy.
  • Further support steps they have already taken like being vaccinated.
  • Allows a person to build an immune system that responds quickly & efficiently.

“The level of virus in the nasopharynx of a person who is vaccinated and infected, is the same level as the level of virus in the nasopharynx of an unvaccinated person who is infected.” Dr Anthony Fauci

Resilience & Mental Health Program

Introduction to the Seminar:

Who is responsible for my life? Me! That is Simple! But am I taking responsibility for my life? Now the question creates explanations and reasons.

When things change as dramatically as they have in the past few weeks, we can get thrown off centre, become confused and fear the future as our old map no longer works. What are we going to do?

A successful and resilient life can be lived by any person who’s willing to be personally responsible, and able to explore how they are viewing their life.

A problem viewed from one perspective can be a monumental hurdle. From another perspective, it is a fascinating and exciting challenge. Modern living has made many of us lazy, unwilling to see a problem as a challenge, as a potential adventure that may enrich our life.

The Aim of the Seminar:

To take people back a step from modern living and look at the nature of life, to explore different perspectives. What is the difference between the third world person who find happiness and contentment, tending a small garden plot to grow vegetables, and the modern-day Westerner who is dissatisfied whilst living in comfort and opulence? There are many answers in this exploration

Seminar Description:

Is this situation Armageddon or Interruption?

The seminar starts out with some quick and additional tips for reducing one’s risk of infection. We then take a look at human life and how it has changed over the past 200 years. It looks at the nature of life, survival and the role of struggle. It then explores the nature of challenges, good and bad, and clarifies the purpose of challenges and how to approach them. It explores the importance of self-improvement and growth and where challenges fit into this critical aspect of life.

During this program, your people will gain deep clarity into what it means to be resilient, how they have lost their resilience, and how resilience lays hidden in the willingness and ability to change one’s perspective.

We then look at the nature of emotions, particularly love and fear, and how the ego is developed. We address how the ego behaves and sustains itself and then look at what it takes to move beyond the ego and evolve.

The program then calls upon some old wisdom to create a path to happiness and a feeling of strong self-worth.This includes making positive contributions to family, workplace and community.

Finally, we link this to work and explore how each contributes to the culture, and how to create a cooperative and cohesive working environment. We then explore the benefits of building powerful, aligned teams and communities.

Finally, we inspire your people to become the leaders in their community who will help others to cope,thrive and get back on top of their lives.This is a powerful and life changing seminar.

Workplace Seminars, Webinars, Resources & Workshops

  • Fatigue Prevention
  • Resilience
  • Mental Health
  • Stress Prevention
  • Culture Change
  • General Wellbeing
  • The Care Culture
  • High Performance
  • Teams and Leaders

The Exciting Wide Awake App

A powerful Education Program in the Palm of Your Hand. It contains powerful modules, comprising a variety of audio programs and easy-to-read articles,taking your employees on a journey to effective fatigue prevention and personal wellbeing.

At the end of each module there is a quiz. Wrong answers set the employee directed back to the content the question came from. Monthly collective progress reports are emailed to your nominated Safety Rep.

ACN: 162 642 097

Post Seminar Resources

Following the presentation, employees receive a comprehensive email containing extensive helpful resources.


  • Single 2 Hour Seminar: $2,900:00 plus GST
  • Half Day – Up t 2 Seminars: $3,800:00 plus GST
  • Full Day – Up to 3 Seminars: $4,500:00 plus GST

Multiple Seminar packages also available. Client is responsible for funding all travel and accommodation.

*Please call for prices for Virtual Events.

John Toomey

Global Chair

Global Wellness Institute
Wellness at Work Initiative
Writer for Chopra Global
and Thrive Global

About John Toomey

John Toomey is one of Australia’s leading Health Educators. Holding a Degree in Physical Education, John has worked in many diverse are as involving Health, Fitness and Sport. Since 1982, he’s served in High Performance roles at seven AFL Clubs. He has also worked with a variety of other Professional Sports Clubs in Leadership and Culture Development.

He has been working in and leading the way in the Health Education sector since 1980 and completed over 20,000 hours study in this field.

As a professional speaker and trainer,he has presented over 3000 seminars in the corporate arena in Australia,NZ, the US and South East Asia. He has published over 500 articles,including publications like Wellbeing Magazine, The Melbourne Age, The Melbourne Herald Sun,The Huffington Post, Thrive Global and Chopra Global.

John is an in-demand expert commentator in Australian radio.

From an Academic standpoint, John has lectured in Physical Education at Victoria University and taught Wellness in Monash University’s school of medicine. From 2012-17, he served as a member of the Course Advisory Board at RMIT’s School of Health Sciences.

In 2013, he was asked to address a fatigue and culture problem for a QLD Blast & Drill company. Researching official guidelines on Fatigue on prominent industry,regulatory and safety sites, he was stunned by what wasn’t being said.

Taking his wealth of knowledge from years of conditioning athletes and in the corporate arena, he created his now World Renowned Fatigue Prevention Program.