Welcome to the “My Healthy Family” Online Course for Parents

My Healthy Family is a course designed to teach parents everything they need to know about raising a healthy, thriving family, without the need for unnecessary doctor visits or the use of pharmaceutical drugs. It is also about learning to create healthy and thriving communities for your family to live in and be part of.

Good health is not just about having a healthy body. It is also about having a clear and happy mind, a thriving spirit and deep sense of balance and peace.

When Covid-19 hit us, we realised how precariously placed our healthcare system is. Entire societies had to be locked down, just to ensure a rapid spread of the virus did not overwhelm our already stretched healthcare system. For a wealthy society, we are experiencing a great deal of degenerative and lifestyle disease that is costing taxpayers more and more each year. It is no longer sustainable.

Right now, as citizens, we need to do everything we can to improve our own health and the health of our family. We also need to do what we can to contribute to very good health and wellbeing in our communities. Whilst there is literally “loads” of information on the Internet, how do you decipher what is true and relevant to you. So I have created My Healthy Family for you.

Who am I?

I am one of the worlds most prominent Wellness Education Thought Leaders. I currently sit as Chairperson for the Global Wellness Institute’s Wellness at Work Initiative. Along the way, I have also achieved a number of things in my Professional Life.

  • Delivered over 3000 Professional Seminars on a variety of Wellness Topics in the Corporate Arena.
  • Presented at Professional Conferences in 8 Countries
  • Wrote and Published Australia’s first Accredited Wellness Leadership Course
  • Lectured in Wellness at Monash University’s School of Medicine in 1997
  • Sat on the Course Program Advisory Committee for RMIT University’s School of Health sciences from 2012-2017
  • Written and published over 500 articles
  • Served 7 different AFL Clubs in High Performance Roles
  • Trained an Olympic Gold Medalist
  • Worked in Cultural development for several Professional Soccer Teams in Australia and New Zealand
  • I am the father of three healthy adults, who grew up learning how to create a healthy and happy life. I have 2 Grand kids and there are two on the way.

There are many others….but not wanting to bore you with self promotion. I simply want you to feel comfortable that I know what i am talking about.

My Healthy Family

This course will be extensive and will provide you with an extensive set of skills, allowing you to feel deeply confident in your capacity to raise a healthy and thriving family, and to contribute to building a healthy, connected and supportive community. The course will cover topics like:

  • Nutrition
  • Organics
  • Cardiovascular Exercise
  • Musculo-skeletal Exercise
  • Stress Management
  • Mind Body Health
  • Parenting skills
  • Financial Health
  • Creative Expression
  • Quality Home Environment
  • Posture and Back Care
  • Understanding Degenerative Disease and what causes them
  • Gut Health
  • Microbiome Development
  • Fermenting Techniques
  • Epigenetics
  • Strategies for Creating a Positive Life Experience
  • Creating Support Groups and Open Communication
  • Learning from the green Zones – People who live long lives
  • Creating Quality Sleep and sorting out sleep problems
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Meditation and Contemplation
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Spiritual Health and Wellbeing
  • Organic Vegetable Gardening
  • And much more

If you would like me to keep you in the loop, and let you know when the course will be on, and what is involved, please fill in the form below.

If you have the time and energy, I have created an extensive survey that will help me to finalise the content of the course. If you have the energy, I would love to have you complete the survey. If you would prefer to just go ahead and complete the form below, please do so. This is the link to The Survey.

Please Enter Your details below:
